Document Type : Original Article


Department of Horticultural Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jiroft, Jiroft, Iran


Purpose: Lily is one of the most economically ornamental plants and tissue culture plays a vital role in accelerating mass propagation of lily. In lily tissue culture, the production of bigger bulblets is highly desirable. The objective of the present investigation is to examine the impact of gibberellin on the in vitro growth of lily bulblets, administered at two distinct time intervals. Research method: In the present investigation, various concentrations of gibberellins (0, 0.1, and 1 µM) were employed at two distinct time points: the commencement of the culture period and the fifth week of culture period. After 11 weeks the fresh weight of bulblets, the number of bulblets, the fresh weight of leaves, the fresh weight of roots and the fresh weight of scale explant were scored and analyzed. Findings: The application of 1 µM gibberellin during bulblet induction yielded noteworthy outcomes, including a substantial 91% increase in the fresh weight of the bulblets, a significant 38% augmentation in the fresh weight of the leaves, as well as a 40% increase in the fresh weight of the roots. Research limitations: The quantification of endogenous phytohormones in lily scale explants was deemed unfeasible. Originality/value: The development of lily bulblets experienced a notable enhancement while the medium was supplemented with gibberellin in bulblet induction stage.


Main Subjects

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