Document Type : Original Article


Department of Food Production, Faculty of Food and Agriculture, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad


Purpose: Moringa oleifera is a multi-purpose plant. The growth curve would determine harvest date and maturity indices. Analysis of proximate and mineral constituents would highlight nutritional and health benefits. Research methods: Investigations were conducted on growth curve parameters, maturation indices, proximate and mineral compositions of moringa plant parts (Moringa oleifera) on four-year-old tress from 2016-2019. Findings: The growth curve depicted a single sigmoid shape. Pods harvested 25 days after flowering were immature (M1), with a light-green skin colour, firm, tender seeds, and light greenish-cream flesh and seeds. Pods attained horticultural maturity with optimum cooking quality 32 days (M2) post-anthesis with corresponding maturity indices being firm, light greenish-cream-flesh and well–formed seed. Dried partially senesced over-matured pods (M3), harvested after 51 days, had a light-brown dermal layer enclosing dark brown firm seeds with the highest fat and crude fiber being 200.3 g/kg and 314.5 g/kg. Green-tender seeds showed the highest crude protein content of 296.0 g/kg. Immature leaves (L1) had the highest dry matter content while stage 2 leaves had the highest ash content. Matured pods showed the highest moisture content. Mineral contents of stage 3 leaves (L3) consisted of magnesium (4255.6ppm) while stage 1 leaves had the most iron (147.0 ppm) and potassium (30210.0ppm). Leaves at stage 2 had the most sodium (2547.9 ppm) and boron (23.1 ppm). Research limitations: Limited cultivars.  Originality/Value: Maturity indices on the growth curve confirmed the multi-purpose nature of the moringa plant and benefits to the food and health industries.


Main Subjects

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