Document Type : Review Article


1 Sher-e-Kashmir, University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir-India. 09419974563

2 Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture Srinagar Kashmir, India.


Purpose: Purpose of this paper is to highlight policy initiatives of Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Govt of India and research support of SKUAST-Kashmir India, that has not only given stability to the saffron area, production and productivity but has also opened new options for promoting saffron cultivation in new areas that is expected to increase saffron production to 104000 kg. Findings: Standardized descriptors of Kashmir saffron has facilitated seeking of Geographical Indication Tag to Kashmir Saffron and is a step forward towards promotion of authenticated quality brand “Kashmir Saffron”. Good Agricultural Practices for enhancing productivity and quality through integrated value chain involving plantation of graded corms weighing above 8 g with integration of micro and macro nutrients, composts, farm yard manures, initial corm dressing with fungicides followed by hygienic post-harvest handling have been standardized ensuring yield and quality gains. Ethymethyl Sulphonate and Colchicine have been identified as potent mutagens for creation of genetic variability. In vitro micropropagation involving different growth regulators, growth retardants and sucrose as energy source have been standardized. Limitations: Decline in saffron area over the years due to urbanization of saffron heritage site and diversification to other commercial activities is a major concern for growth of saffron Industry. Directions for future research: Climate change over the years have become a serious threat for the saffron industry therefore future research needs to be focused on to mitigate the ill effects and to ensure the adaptabilities studies of all the developed modules under changed environment so as to ensure sustainability and profitable of saffron farming system. Research priorities needs to be focused on quality promotion and marketing under one roof processing, quality testing and e-trading.


Main Subjects

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