Document Type : Short Communication Article


1 Department of Mechanic, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Agriculture, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Agriculture, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran


Purpose: Fresh-cut fruits are one of the most popular products. Pear is a highly putrefying fruit that is susceptible to mechanical damage, decay and physiological disorders during storage. Reducing post­ harvest losses of agricultural products with a view to increasing food security and preventing the loss of capital is one of the major issues facing societies. Research Method: Non-thermal plasma is under research for fruits preservation, especially fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. This study investigates the effects of plasma exposure to delay color changes of fresh-cut pears. Findings: Different treatments for the time of plasma exposure and types of packaging were studied. The results showed that; the parameter a*, L*, Chroma and browning index (BI) was significant at 5% level due to different treatments, but the plasma effect on b*, ΔE, h* and YI were not significant at 5% level. Furthermore, the best acceptability is the direct exposure for two-minutes. Research Limitations: No limitations were founded. Originality/Value: It can be concluded that using non-thermal plasma can be considered as a new approach to increasing the durability and shelf life of fresh-cut pears. In addition, plasma exposure is one of the nondestructive processes that does not have any side effects on the products and can significantly obstruct microorganisms and delayed degradation, discoloration.  


Main Subjects

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