Document Type : Original Article


1 National Institute of Postharvest Management, Research and Development Center, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

2 Department of Animal and Food Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka


Purpose: Mango is a prominent fruit crop in Sri Lanka. Improper postharvest practices along the supply chain lead to high losses and low fruit quality. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of adapting improved postharvest technologies in mango value chain in Sri Lanka on loss reduction and fruit quality improvement. Research method: Three mango supply chains; Maho to Colombo, Jafna to Colombo, and Malsiripura to Colombo were used for the study. Conventional mango supply chain (CSC) practices were compared with improved (ISC) practices at each supply chain actor. Total postharvest loss and physico-chemical parameters of mango were analyzed at each stage. Findings: Total weight loss of mango was significantly (p <0.05) lower in ISC (6.2 ± 0.8%) than CSC (39.6 ± 1.9%). Fruit firmness declined and TSS increased along both supply chains with significantly higher rate in CSC. Colour changed significantly within 48 hrs. The L* and a* value had decreased while b* value increased in both chains in peel and pulp. The CSC mangos were completely yellow while ISC mangos were green, at retailer stage. The postharvest life of fresh mango fruits was four days longer in ISC than CSC. Anthracnose and stem end rot were more prominent in CSC. Limitations: No limitations to report. Originality/Value: The study reveals that improved practices reduces postharvest loss and increases shelf life of mango. It facilitates retaining pulp firmness, slow colour development, and achieve comparable TSS levels. Therefore, improved postharvest handling practices should be promoted among all supply chain actors.


Main Subjects

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