Document Type : Original Article


Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran


Purpose: This research investigated the effect of different regimes of supplementary LED light on physiological and morphological traits of two cultivars of cut Roses. Research method: In this study, treatments included cultivars (Allstar and Dolcevita) and nine light regimes including (Control, LED night from 5 pm to 7 am, LED day from 7 am to 5 pm, LED night day (24 hours light) and LED dark (24 hours, without sunlight) which were all applied in two intensities of 2000 and 4000 lux. Findings: The results showed that the LED light regime had a positive effect on morphological traits such as the number of buds and mean harvest, length, diameter and fresh weight of flowers. LED day 4000 lux improved bud diameter and mean harvest by 18% and 112% respectively compared with control in Dolcevita cultivar. The light regime also caused a significant improvement in physiological characteristics so that in Allstar cultivar LED day 4000 lux, chlorophyll a, b, total, and carotenoid were increased by 66%, 60%, 63%, and 64% respectively compared with control. The vase life in Allstar cultivar by LED night day 4000 lux intensity and Dolcevita cultivar by LED day 4000 lux were 44.5% and 133.2% higher than the control treatment, respectively. Research limitations: There was no limitation. Originality/Value: The results showed that LED night day with 4000 lux intensity had the best results in vase life in Allstar cultivar and LED day supplementary light with 4000 lux intensity increased the quantity and quality characteristics of roses.


Main Subjects

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