Document Type : Original Article


1 Grape and Raisin Research Institute, Malayer University, Iran

2 Department of Horticultural Science Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran

3 University College of Omran-Toseeh, Hamedan, Iran

4 Horticulture Crops Research Department, Markazi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education center, AREEO, Arak, Iran


Purpose: Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is one of the most important horticultural products that are grown in different parts of Iran and has high nutritional values. In this study, the genetic diversity of cultivars and genotypes of some vineyards of Markazi province were investigated for the preliminary selection of superior cultivars and genotypes in terms of morphological and fruit characteristics for use in grape breeding programs. Research method:  For this purpose, grouping and comparing 84 grape cultivars and genotypes were carried out using 70 traits including phenological and vegetative traits, trichome and stomata, bunch and berry traits. Findings: Based on the results, the “Sahebi Hazaveh” cultivar with 1000.17 g had highest an average bunch weight to compare other cultivars and genotypes.  Results showed that, some traits such as bunch weight, bunch shoulders, fresh weight, rachis weight, the ratio of bunch weight to peduncle weight, the ratio of rachis weight to bunch weight, dry weight of bunch shoulders, length of the tail of bunch, berry weight, pedicel weight, seed weight and length of seed had a high coefficient of variation. Factor analysis reduced the evaluated traits to 10 main factors showed that they justified 78.38% of the total variance. Cluster analysis divided cultivars and genotypes into 4 main groups at five Euclidean distances. Limitations: No limitations were encountered. Originality/Value: This study indicated that grapes germplasm resources in zone are of noticeable diversities and can be promising for the utilization in the breeding programs. Based on the results, cultivars and genotypes of “Khalili Khondab” region, “Yaghouti”, “Sahebi”, “Fakhri”, “Kharvand” and “Kondori” Hazaveh region and “Sahebi” Aghbolagh region in leafing time, late flowering, sugar percentage, bunch and berry characteristics, stomatal density, standing and lying trichome density in leaves were superior to other cultivars and genotypes.


Main Subjects

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