Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Science, Lampang Rajabhat University, 52100, Lampang, Thailand


Purpose: Sawdust, a by-product of wood workplaces, poses environmental contamination and reduces workspace efficiency. This research aimed at recycling sawdust from rain tree by incorporating its extracts into gelatin films to create active films with antifungal properties against Aspergillus flavus. Research method: Sawdust was extracted by microwave with various solvents and electrical powers. The extract (0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2%) were then tested for A. flavus inhibition. The extract was also incorporated with gelatin for making wrapped films and tested for inhibition potential on garlic inoculated with A. flavus. Findings: The optimal microwave extraction condition utilized a solvent mixture comprising distilled water and 95% ethanol in a 1:1 v/v ratio, applying 100 watts of electrical power for 30 seconds, repeated 5 times. This method yielded 23.26 mg/g of tannin. Furthermore, the 2% concentration of the extract significantly inhibited both mycelium growth and spore germination of A. flavus (P<0.05) when tested on a petri dish. Additionally, incorporating 2% of the crude extract into gelatin film resulted in the most favorable outcome. This treatment demonstrated the capability to prolong the shelf life of wounded-inoculated garlic for more than 12 days. Research limitations: No limitations were found. Originality/Value: Sawdust originating from a rain tree can be recycled biodegrable actine gelatin films against A. flavus, a field-bomepathogen in garlic.


Main Subjects

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