Document Type : Original Article


School of Engineering, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Dr. Hilla Limann Technical University, Wa, Upper West Region, Ghana


Purpose: Bananas have been experiencing increased production worldwide due to increased cultivated areas over the last three decades. However, postharvest losses of bananas are the major concern due to their highly perishable nature and therefore require appropriate treatments and storage methods to extend storage life. This study evaluates the effects of Aloe vera coating and storage temperatures on the physiological changes, and sensorial attributes of Lantundan and Cavendish bananas. Research method: These fruits were coated with Aloe vera and stored at 10°C or 25 ± 2°C and relative humidity of 70-75% or 50-55% respectively. The fruits were evaluated every 2 days for 10 days. Findings: Aloe vera treatment reduced weight loss, inhibited peel colour changes, delayed total soluble solids and titratable acidity changes, and minimised decay of the two banana cultivars. Coating did not significantly affect taste and overall acceptability, although panelists preferred coated bananas. The combined effects of Aloe vera coating and storage at 10°C was the most effective treatment in maintaining Lantundan and Cavendish bananas qualities. Research limitations: This study could not measure endogenous ethylene and respiration to ascertain their impact on peel colour changes to a lack of equipment. Originality/Value: It therefore extended the shelf life of the fruits to 10 days, compared with uncoated bananas which had a shorter shelf life of 6 days.


Main Subjects

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