Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Horticultural Science, Plant and Environmental Stresses Research Group, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

2 Improvement Plant and Seed Department, Yazd Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center Research, AREEO, Yazd, Iran


Purpose: Environmental stresses are a main disturbing factor influencing horticultural productivity around the world. It will affect all plants including resistant or non-resistant cultivars. So, it is important to find the better cultivars and to check the response to adverse environmental conditions. Research method: Thus, the present research was conducted to evaluate responses of different bearing status of pistachio cultivars including Kalleh-Ghochi (K), Ohadi (O) and Ahmad-Aghaii (A), grafted on Badami-Rize-Zarand as rootstock, for six consecutive years to soil salinity. Findings: ON-bearing trees of ‘Ahmad-Aghaii’ showed the highest yield, followed by ‘Ohadi’ and ‘Kalleh-Ghochi’. In addition, the lowest leaf temperature was observed with this cultivar. Although the highest nitrogen, sodium, carbohydrate, peroxidase and leaf temperature was obtained in ON-bearing trees, however, the lowest potassium and total phenol content indicated in OFF-bearing status. It was found a negative correlation between leaf potassium content and ABI, between leaf peroxidase activity and ABI and between leaf temperature and ABI. On the other hand, leaf temperature increased as leaf sodium content increased. Research limitations: There was no limitation. Originality/Value: From data presented here, it is concluded that salinity and Na accumulation might be effective in changing the response of the pistachio cultivar under harsh environmental conditions which affects yield component and alternate bearing index.


Main Subjects

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