Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Plant Production, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Darab, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Department of Soil Science, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Darab, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


Purpose: It is believed that wood vinegar (WV) can improve soil nutrient availability and uptake, thereby improving plant growth and development. In this study we investigate the effect of WV on the availability of macro- and micro elements in the soil and the uptake, translocation and efficiency of these elements in seedlings of sour orange (SO) and Mexican lime (ML) as well as on plant growth. Research method: The applied WV (1 and 2%) (v/v) was added to the irrigation water at intervals of 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks after planting. Findings: The results showed that the use of WV at both concentrations reduced the phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) concentration in the leaves of ML, reduced the percentage of calcium (Ca) uptake and efficiency of copper (Cu) in SO and increased the iron (Fe) in ML root (1150 to 1320 mg kg-1 DW). Although 1% WV increased soil availability of Ca, sodium (Na), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn) and thus decreased root K/Na and Ca/Na, WV 2% improved Mn and K availability but decreased Ca in the soil solution. Application of 1 and 2% WV reduced root dry weight by 16.1 and 12.9% in SO seedling, respectively and in ML seedlings 2% WV reduced total chlorophyll and leaf greenness. Research limitations: No limitations were found. Originality/Value: The results showed that although the addition of WV to the soil can reduce the pH and thereby increase the availability of some elements such as K and Mn, the increase in EC prevents the effective absorption and translocation of elements and thus plant growth such as root dry weight and greenness.


Main Subjects

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