Document Type : Original Article


1 Research Institute for Grapes and Raisin (RIGR), Malayer University, Malayer, Iran

2 Horticultural Sciences Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran

3 Biology Department. Faculty of Basic Sciences, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran

4 Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran


Purpose: This study aimed to gain knowledge about the genetic reserves of native Iranian grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars and genotypes in tropical regions and to identify the best grapevine cultivars and genotypes existing in vineyards of Khuzestan province. Research Method: This study evaluated the phenotypic diversity of 60 grapevine cultivars and genotypes existing in tropical, subtropical region of Khuzestan province in Iran. Findings: The result showed that the most descriptive statistics in the most important quantitative traits are related to fresh weight of bunch, bunch length, bunch width, the number of berries per bunch, berry length, berry width, protein content, total soluble solids and titratanbe acidity. The native Iranian grape cultivars and genotypes of Khuzestan province included 'Bangi', 'Soltani' and 'Yershi' as the earliest, Iranian cultivars including 'Yaghouti Ghermez', 'Yaghouti Sabz' and 'Asgari' as mid-ripening and foreign cultivars including 'Flame Seedless' and 'Perlette' as late ripening respectively. The results of factor analysis showed that the highest coefficients of eigenvectors in 7 main components are related to the most important traits including fresh weight of bunch, fresh weight of berries, berry diameter, berry length, the number of berries per bunch, protein content, total soluble solids, titratable acidity and the content of chlorophyll which accounted for 84.28% of the total variance variation. To group cultivars and genotypes based on investigated traits from cluster analysis by Ward’s method was used. Cultivars and genotypes were grouped in 9 main clusters in 5 Euclidean distances. Research limitations: No limitations were encountered. Originality/Value: In this research, the significant diversity of grapevine cultivars and genotypes existing in vineyards of Khuzestan province showed the superiority of native cultivars and genotypes such as 'Soltani', 'Bangi (Ghermez)' and 'Yershi' in some traits compared to other foreign cultivars.


Main Subjects

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