Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

2 Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran


Purpose: This study investigates the enhancing growth and flowering traits of petunia (Petunia hybrida L.) through the application of biochar and vermicompost. Research Method: The experiment employed a completely randomized design with four replications in a greenhouse setting during the years of 2022-2023. The experimental treatments comprised the control group (without vermicompost and biochar), vermicompost at 5% by weight, jujube biochar at 2% by weight, or combination of vermicompost with biochar. Findings: Results revealed that the application of vermicompost significantly increased the dry weight of root, shoot, and total biomass by 23%, 51%, and 46%, respectively, compared to the control. Additionally, the vermicompost treatment yielded the highest number of leaves and plant height, while the biochar treatment resulted in the maximum number of flowers per plant. The durability of flowers on the plant varied, with biochar treatment exhibiting the highest durability (6.75 days) while control treatment gave the lowest durability (4.75 days). Biochar-treated plants also displayed the highest levels of total chlorophyll and relative water content in the leaves, exhibiting increases of 29% and 14%, respectively, compared to the control. Leaf nutrient content demonstrated significant changes, with the biochar + vermicompost treatment exhibiting the highest nitrogen and potassium content, demonstrating a 34% and 19% increase, respectively, compared to the control. Research limitations: No limitations were identified. Originality/Value: In summary, the findings underscore the positive influence of biochar and vermicompost fertilizers on the growth, ornamental features, and physiological characteristics of petunia. Notably, biochar demonstrated superior effectiveness in enhancing ornamental parameters compared to vermicompost. Biochar and vermicompost can be used as organic fertilizers to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and increase the production and yield of petunia plant.


Main Subjects

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