Document Type : Original Article


Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: Highly perishable tomatoes face rapid deterioration at postharvest. This study investigated the effect of methylcellulose (MC) edible coating and citrus essential oil (EO) on disease control and postharvest quality preservation of tomatoes. Research Method: The experimental factors included MC at three levels (0, 0.5, and 1% (w/v)), citrus EO (control, orange, and sour orange EO, at concentration of (1 g/L), and studying time (ST) (7, 14, and 21 days). The treated fruits were stored at 10°C with RH over 80±5% and evaluated for disease severity and other fruit quality attributes during storage. Findings: The results showed that both MC and EO treatments effectively controlled tomato fruit disease and maintained its marketability throughout the experiment, with the combination of these treatments yielding better results. The applied treatments, especially 1% MC, reduced weight loss compared to control. The results indicated increase in coloring of samples during the experiment. The firmness of the fruit tissue decreased over time, and the EO treatment proved to be more effective than MC in preserving fruit firmness. Applying MC and EO treatments, either alone or in combination, preserved total soluble solids compared to the control samples. Research limitations: No limitations were encountered. Originality/Value: Based on the results of this experiment, incorporating EO into MC edible coating showed promise in extending the shelf life of tomatoes by controlling weight loss, rate of metabolism, and disease severity. This approach offers a sustainable and effective alternative to traditional chemical treatments while providing consumers with a healthier and more flavorful product.


Main Subjects

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