Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Horticultural Production and Marketing, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, European University of Lefke, Lefke, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)

2 University of Rwanda


Purpose: To enhance the rooting ability of Prunus rootstocks byIndol-3-butyric acid (IBA) hormone associated with bacillus subtilis bacteriain greenhouse conditions. Research Method: Every 20 cuttings of each cultivar were dipped into either powder or liquid IBA with or without Bacillus subitilis. Afterward, the cuttings were planted in any of the cocopeat or perlite medium, in a greenhouse. ANOVA was computed to compare the results among Prunus cultivars. Findings: After 2 months of the experiment, shoots were much better in perlite medium than cocopeat medium. Maxma 14 cuttings did not develop any shoot formation in cocopeat medium, while Garnem cuttings developed the best shoots for liquid IBA and Powder IBA treatment (respectively 1.05 and 1 average number of shoots/cutting). The effect of Bacillus subitilis bacteria on shoots was significant in perlite medium with more shoots for Garnem, Maxma 14 and Myrobolan 29C cuttings, respectively (1.70, 0.35 and 0.95 average number of shoot/cutting). On the other hand, the highest rooting levels were observed in powder IBA + Bacillus subtilis treatment for Garnem and Myrobolan 29C (35% and 20%), while  powder IBA treatment induced better rooting level for Myrobolan 29C and Garnem cuttings (respectively 10% and 5% higher compared to the control). Limitations: There is a need to do further investigation on the survival rate of the shoots, in field conditions. Originality/Value: The association of powder IBA and bacteria (Bacillus subtilis) is promissing to increase the rooting of the Prunus rootstocks cultivar.


Main Subjects

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