Document Type : Original Article


Department of Horticulture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: One of the problems in today's world is the pollution of the environment with heavy metals, which extraction of metals from mines, industrial and agricultural activities have caused significant pollution of soils and waters to metals. Research method: Fulvic acid at 15, 30, and 60 L ha-1 and zeolites at 1000, 2000, and 4000 kg ha-1 have formed the treatments, and the cadmium content was added to the region. The absorbance of cadmium, zinc, and nitrogen elements, as well as the dry weight of aerial organs and root of Spinacia oleracea var. inermis, was investigated. Findings: The application of fulvic acid and zeolite resulted in higher absorption of the elements and higher biomass weight compared to the control. In this case, fulvic acid at 30 L ha-1 and zeolite at 4000 kg ha-1had the best results own, and the accumulated amounts of cadmium and zinc in the root of the Spinach were higher than that of the aerial organs. Due to its acidic nature, fulvic acid caused higher mobility of elements than zeolite. Also, the application of the treatments caused better vegetative growth of the plant and moderation of the effects of stress. Limitations: There was no restriction on conducting this research. Originality/Value: Based on the results, the use of fulvic acid and zeolite can significantly increase the absorption of cadmium toxic metal from the organs of the Spinach plant and help the further release of this element from the soil.


Main Subjects

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