Original Article
Postharvest Biology and Technology
Md. Saidee Rahman; Md. Kamrul Hassan; Fakhar Uddin Talukder; Md. Sohanur Rahman; Mst. Mishu Akther
Purpose: An experiment was conducted to determine a suitable thickness of polypropylene bag as a package and appropriate storage temperature that will enhance an extended shelf life and quality of oyster mushroom. Research method: The experiment consisted of eight treatments under two factors (temperature ...
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Purpose: An experiment was conducted to determine a suitable thickness of polypropylene bag as a package and appropriate storage temperature that will enhance an extended shelf life and quality of oyster mushroom. Research method: The experiment consisted of eight treatments under two factors (temperature and thickness of polypropylene bag). Treatments: T1p 0= ambient temperature without wrapping (Control), T1p 1= ambient temperature & 50 µ PP bag, T1p 2= ambient temperature & 75 µ PP bag, T1p 3= ambient temperature & 100 µ PP bag, T2p 0= 3°C temperature without wrapping, T2p 1= 3°C temperature & 50 µ PP bag, T2p 2= 3°C temperature & 75 µ PP bag, T2p 3= 3°C temperature & 100 µ PP bag. The experiment was laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications. Findings: Highest moisture contents (90.80%) and shelf life (15 days) were observed in low temperature and wrapped in 75µ polypropylene bag (T2p 2). Highest dry matter content (82.92%) and highest weight loss (30.3%) were observed in ambient temperature and unwrapped condition (T1p 0) whereas lowest moisture contents (9.20%), lowest dry matter content (17.08%), lowest protein content(7.79%), and lowest shelf life (1.66) were observed in ambient temperature and unwrapped condition (T1p 0).Limitations: No limitations to report.Originality/Value: Combination of PP bags of proper thickness and low temperature can help in decreasing moisture loss and disease incidence which increase shelf life and maintain nutritional quality of oyster mushroom.
Original Article
Food Science and Technology
Olusola Michael Obembe; Durojaye Olanrewaju Ojo; Kayode David Ileke
Purpose: The leaves of Telfairia occidentalis is affected by the various methods of drying and storage employed after harvest. This research work is therefore designed to determining the best drying method for the preservation of Telfairia occidentalis using the mineral and proximate constituents as ...
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Purpose: The leaves of Telfairia occidentalis is affected by the various methods of drying and storage employed after harvest. This research work is therefore designed to determining the best drying method for the preservation of Telfairia occidentalis using the mineral and proximate constituents as indices. Research method: The cleaned, fresh leaves were then divided into three portions. The first portion was sundried, the second portion was air-dried and the third portion was oven-dried. Each sample was analyzed for proximate composition and mineral content. Findings: The results of the various analysis generally showed that the oven-dried samples have the highest mineral content followed by sun-dried and then the air-dried. The ash content was most top (12.78%) in the oven-dried example, sample followed by air-dried, sun-dried, and then fresh samples while the moisture content was most top (82.62%) in the clean examplefollowed by sun-dried, air-dried and oven-dried with 11.40, 9.18%, and 6.33% moisture respectively. The carbohydrate content was most top (32.62%) in the sun-dried sample followed by air-dried, oven-dried and then fresh ones with 30.10, 29.58, and 4.44% respectively. The protein content was highest (32.69%) in the oven-dried samplefollowed by air-dried, clean, and then sun-dried examples with 30.16, 5.92, and 2.70%, respectively. The fat content was highest (7.50%) in the air-dried and oven-dried examples followed by sun-dried, and the fresh ones with 6.85 and 1.85%, respectively. The fiber content was most top (11.16%) in the oven-dried example followed by air-dried, sun-dried, and the fresh ones with 10.69, 9.16, and 2.94% respectively. Limitations: The proximate and mineral compositions of the leaves were investigated after drying and storage. Originality/Value: The results showed that the oven-dried samples in most cases, have the highest proximate and mineral composition. So, oven-drying is the most nutritionally viable method in the preservation and storage of Telfairia occidentalis.
Original Article
Postharvest Biology and Technology
Alex Guimarães Sanches; Ricardo Patrese Jorge Repolho; Edmarcos Xavier dos Santos; Keila Sousa Lima; Carlos Alberto Martins Cordeiro
Purpose: The oxidation of pericarp is the main one that affects the quality and acceptance of rambutan by consumers, thus, this study aimed to evaluate the isolated and combined effect of hot water and citric acid on the postharvest quality of pericarp and pulp of rambutan stored under refrigeration. ...
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Purpose: The oxidation of pericarp is the main one that affects the quality and acceptance of rambutan by consumers, thus, this study aimed to evaluate the isolated and combined effect of hot water and citric acid on the postharvest quality of pericarp and pulp of rambutan stored under refrigeration. Research method: Ripe fruits were immersed in a solution with hot water (45°C in 1 and 3 minutes), citric acid (1 and 3%), and in combinations between them. After the treatments, the loss of mass, soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, vitamin C content, and browning of the pericarp and pulp was evaluated every three days during 12 days of cold storage (10°C). Findings: The combined effect of hot water for 3 minutes with 3% citric acid resulted in better quality fruits (less mass loss, less degradation of soluble solids, organic acids, and vitamin C), in addition to delaying the development of browning pericarp and pulp until the sixth day of storage. Limitations: Investigations of oxidizing enzymes were absent (equipment) to support the study results. Originality/Value: Studies involving accessible and low-cost technologies that limit physiological damage after harvest (browning of the pericarp) and preserve the quality of the rambutan are recommended. Thus, the pretreatment of rambutan with hot water for 3 minutes associated with 3% citric acid is indicated to preserve the quality of the fruit during refrigerated storage (10°C) for 12 days.

Original Article
Biological Control
Maryam Afsarzadeh Laien; Abbas Mohammadi
Volume 4, Issue 2 , June 2021, Pages 163-176
Purpose: Chitin is a structural, long_chain polysaccharide of N-acetylglucosamine subunits with beta 1,4 glycosylated bonds and the second post-cellulose polysaccharide in nature. Chitinases enzymes are capable of degrading chitin, plays essential roles in the decomposition of chitinous wastes, can be ...
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Purpose: Chitin is a structural, long_chain polysaccharide of N-acetylglucosamine subunits with beta 1,4 glycosylated bonds and the second post-cellulose polysaccharide in nature. Chitinases enzymes are capable of degrading chitin, plays essential roles in the decomposition of chitinous wastes, can be used as a biological fungicide against phytopathogenic fungi. Research method: Fusarium isolates were recovered from soil, the spore of phytopathogenic fungi, and cereal tissues in different areas of Birjand plain during 2013-2017. A chitinase enzyme activity assay was performed using the Lugol''''s solution staining method and genomic replication by DECH degenerate primers. Findings: Eighty-three isolates of Fusarium presenting the chitinolytic activity were recovered from soil, cereal plant tissues from different areas of the Birjand plain in Iran. Some isolates were also recovered from barley loose smut and barberry rust spores. Chitinase enzyme activity was detected in Fusarium solani, F. proliferatum, F. avenaceum, F. fujikuroi, F. acuminatum, F. semitectum, F. culmorum, F. equiseti, F. nygamai, F. diversisporum, F. oxysporum and F. longipes by chitinase bioassay method and/or DECH primers for chitinase. Limitations: There were no limitations to report.Originality/Value: Based on the molecular data, the secreted chitinases belonged to chitinse1 or endochitinase-42 kDa, members of GH family 18. This is the first report of chitinases from Fusarium species in Iran.

Original Article
Ezekiel Ambo Mamai; Tanko Bako; Danasabe Dinvala P.
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the effect of different tillage methods on the emergence of okra. Research method: The study was carried out at the teaching and research farm of the Federal University, Wukari, Taraba State in July 2018. Tillage treatments in the study were no-tillage, disc plowing, ...
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Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the effect of different tillage methods on the emergence of okra. Research method: The study was carried out at the teaching and research farm of the Federal University, Wukari, Taraba State in July 2018. Tillage treatments in the study were no-tillage, disc plowing, and disc plowing followed by disc harrowing, arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design, replicated three times. Each plot was (4.0 m × 3.0 m) with a 1.5 m gaps between the plots/replicates and blocks. Findings: The results indicated that the tillage methods had no significant (P ≤ 0.05) effects on the emergence of okra seeds. The maximum values of the number of emerged seeds (52 seeds), percentage emergence (92.86%), emergence rate (16.30%.day-1) and seed vigor index (40.08 seeds.day-1) were obtained in the plowing and harrowing method. In comparison, the minimum values of the number of emerged seeds (45 seeds), percentage emergence (80.36%), emergence rate (16.13%.day-1) and seed vigor index (32.77 seeds.day-1) were obtained in the no-tillage method. The plowing and harrowing approach had the lowest values of mean seed emergence time (6.13days) and seedling mortality rate (5.77%) while the no-tillage process had the highest amounts of mean seed emergence time (6.20days) and seedling mortality rate (13.33%). Limitations: There were no limitations to the report.Originality/Value: The results suggest the plowing and harrowing method may be utilized as a more appropriate and profitable tillage method in improving soil physical properties and seed emergence of okra.
Original Article
Stored Products
Mohammad Saadati; Zahra Rafiei
Purpose: Insect-insecticide interaction, as a dynamic system, increases our knowledge to improve chemical application. Although modes of action in the most insecticides is obvious (direct action) but the other targets which may be affected after treatment are not determined (indirect action). In this ...
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Purpose: Insect-insecticide interaction, as a dynamic system, increases our knowledge to improve chemical application. Although modes of action in the most insecticides is obvious (direct action) but the other targets which may be affected after treatment are not determined (indirect action). In this study digestive enzymes were considered as potential targets for insecticides. Research method: Some of (three sample) adults that were exposed to the different insecticide concentrations were selected for in vivo analysis. In this part, internal organs (midgut) were homogenates and enzyme activity was determined. On the other hand, in the in vitro assays, nontoxic adults were selected and after dissection of the guts, incubated to the different insecticide manually. Fifty microliters enzyme solution with 450 μl toxic solutions incubated 30 min in the room temperature before enzyme assay. Findings: Twenty hours after exposure to the insecticides, gut of adults were dissected and used for in vivo experiment. Our data showed that there was a significant difference in the enzyme activity among different concentrations of chlorpyriphos. The highest and lowest level of enzyme inhibitory was occurred in the 2000 and 0 ppm (control). There was no significant difference between control (0 ppm) and 300 ppm. Data in the in vitro experiment showed that enzyme activity was reduced in the toxic concentrations. Trend of enzyme inhibiting that occurred with chlorpyriphos was regular as the highest and lowest inhibiting were observed in the maximum (99.2 %) and minimum concentrations (7.4 %), respectively. Limitations: There is a problem in which how to correlate in vivo and in vitro results to practical toxicology. Originality/Value: Using of new insecticides with new and widespread mode of action can be recommended against postharvest pest in the practical entomology.
Review Article
Postharvest Biology and Technology
Majeed Mohammed; Lynda Wickham
Purpose: This paper provides an in-depth critical review and analysis of recent research undertaken to optimize quality during harvesting, postharvest handling, processing and utilization of breadnut (Artocarpus camansi Blanco). Findings: This treatise provided a comprehensive review on the significance ...
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Purpose: This paper provides an in-depth critical review and analysis of recent research undertaken to optimize quality during harvesting, postharvest handling, processing and utilization of breadnut (Artocarpus camansi Blanco). Findings: This treatise provided a comprehensive review on the significance of breadnut as an ideal staple and famine food due to its abundance, processing options, high percentage of complex carbohydrates, unique flavor and culinary qualities. Market potential for this fruit across the globe and its projection to multiply is reviewed as related to increasing demand for fiber rich fruits, utilization in ethnic cuisine and in traditional medicine. The fruit is highly perishable with a shelf life of not more than 2-3 days under ambient conditions. Breadnut rapidly transforms when harvested mature green after 2-3 days to a soft texture and the outer skin of the milky white seeds change to a brown, brittle, tough netlike rind while the flesh changes from a white colour to a light yellow colour. The combined effects of rapid softening and high susceptibility to chilling injury contribute immensely to its short shelf life. Limitations: There were no significant limitations as the literature was available and access to communicate with authors were easily facilitated by the internet. Directions for future research:This istheonly review which collated the findings on postharvest physiology and utilization of breadnut. This information will be useful for tree breeding programs, in order to popularize breadnut as a commercial crop and promote food security at the household and community levels.

Original Article
Plant Breeding and Biotechnology
M. M. Rahman Shibli; M. Golam Rasul; A. K. M. Aminul Islam; M. M. H. Saikat; M. Moynul Haque
Sixty one country bean genotypes collected from the coastal region of Bangladesh and were evaluated for the genetic divergence of yield and yield traits. Research method: Divergence analysis was performed by Mahalanobis D2 statistics using Genstat 4.2 program. Findings: The results of the univariate ...
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Sixty one country bean genotypes collected from the coastal region of Bangladesh and were evaluated for the genetic divergence of yield and yield traits. Research method: Divergence analysis was performed by Mahalanobis D2 statistics using Genstat 4.2 program. Findings: The results of the univariate analysis revealed that country bean genotypes differed significantly for 12 yield and related characters. Multivariate analysis grouped 61 genotypes into eight clusters. Cluster II and IV comprised the minimum number (2) of genotypes followed by V (4). Cluster VII contained the maximum number (16) of genotypes and sub-divided into five subgroups. The highest inter-genotypic distance was observed between the genotype CB-32, and CB-109 (2.238), and the lowest inter-genotypic distance between the genotypes CB-016 and CB-017 (0.252). The inter-cluster distance (D2) was maximum between cluster I and V (22.15) followed by the distance between cluster IV and V (19.21). The highest intra-cluster distance (1.17) was observed in cluster V revealed the maximum heterogeneity, while the least variation (0.60) was noticed in cluster VI signifying the closeness of the genotypes. Data suggested that the pod length, pod width, and individual pod weight were major characters that contribute mostly towards genetic divergence. Both PC1-PC2 and PC1-PC3 biplot graphs clearly indicated that pod yield per plant had strong positive correlation with raceme per plant, pods per raceme, pods per plant, pod length and hundred seed weight. Limitations: There was no significant limitation to the report. Originality/Value: The genotypes from cluster I and V could be selected for future hybridization program.
Original Article
Plant Breeding and Biotechnology
Mohammad Hossein Azimi
Purpose: The purposes of this research were to assess important traits and heterosis and to introduce superior hybrids of Iris germanica.Research method: 28 hybrids and seven parents of Iris rhizomatous were evaluated. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three ...
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Purpose: The purposes of this research were to assess important traits and heterosis and to introduce superior hybrids of Iris germanica.Research method: 28 hybrids and seven parents of Iris rhizomatous were evaluated. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications at the Ornamental Plants Research Center (OPRC) from 2014 to 2018. Findings: Hybrid of oprc37 (cross of V5×V4) had a higher positive of heterosis in flower size, leaf width, and hybrid of oprc25 (V8×V6) in the inner tepal length and outer tepal width in superior parents compared to their parents. The highest heterosis was observed for the traits of peduncle length, peduncle diameter and crown diameter, respectively, in some hybrids of oprc20 (V2×V4) and oprc16 (V2×V5). Hybrids of oprc42 and oprc43 of the cross between I. spuria and I. germanica (V7×V2) in the most traits in superior parents and self-parents had higher positive of heterosis. It can be expected that these selected F1 (oprc37, oprc25, oprc20 and oprc16) to able introduced as a variety of commercial, developed on the market ornamental plants.Limitations: No limitations were found. Originality/Value: Inter-varietal hybridization is an effective way to contribute to the phenotypic variation of Iris flowers, to produce new plant materials for breeding purposes and to release new cultivars.
Original Article
Biotechnology and Tissue culture
Mohammad Matani Borkheyli; Seied Mehdi Miri; Amrollah Nabigol
Purpose: Micropropagation of GF677 rootstock, the most widely clonal rootstock used in peach orchards, is an important method for large-scale production of disease-free plants. In this research, effects of media, plant growth regulators and carbohydrates in order to optimize the efficient micropropagation ...
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Purpose: Micropropagation of GF677 rootstock, the most widely clonal rootstock used in peach orchards, is an important method for large-scale production of disease-free plants. In this research, effects of media, plant growth regulators and carbohydrates in order to optimize the efficient micropropagation protocol of GF677 rootstock has been investigated. Research method: In vitro shoots were multiplicated on MS, WPM and DKW media supplemented with 0, 0.5, 1, 2 mg L-1 BA. Proliferated shoots were rooted on MS, WPM and DKW media containing 0, 0.5, 1, 2 mg L-1 IBA. In another experiment, the effect of carbohydrate type was investigated. Findings: High shoot number and node number as well as shoot fresh weight were achieved with shoot tips when cultured on MS medium supplemented with 1 or 2 mg L-1 BA. The highest percentage of rooted shoots was obtained on MS or WPM media supplemented with 1 or 2 mg L-1 IBA. Maximum root number was regenerated on WPM medium containing 1 mg L-1 IBA. Sorbitol was found to be more effective carbon source on shoot multiplication than sucrose, while the highest average of root number and root length were observed in the medium containing sorbitol and sucrose medium, respectively. Survival rate during the acclimatization in the greenhouse was 67%. Limitations: Plant acclimatization needs to be studied for commercial production. Originality/Value: This protocol has proven useful for micropropagation of GF677 rootstock.