Volume 6 (2023)
Volume 5 (2022)
Volume 4 (2021)
Volume 3 (2020)
Volume 2 (2019)
Volume 1 (2018)

Journal Metrics: 


Number of Volumes 7

Number of Issues 27

Number of Articles 233

Number of Contributors 601

Article View 162,822

PDF Download 140,954

PDF Download Per Article 604.95

Number of Reviewers 1322


Number of Submissions 423

Accepted Submissions 233

Acceptance Rate (%) 55

Number of Indexing Databases 38

h-index Google = 16

i-10 index = 39

Citations = 1076

ISC IF (2021) = Q2 = 0.226

MSRT (2023) = International

Scopus First CiteScore (2023) = 0.4

Peer Review Policy: Double Blind Peer Review

Submission to First Post-review Decision: 60 days

Frequency: Quarterly in March, June, September, and December

Open Access Journal Support

APC: Foreign Authors (No Publication Charge), Iranian Authors (2.000.000 Rials)

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Congratulations, Journal of Horticulture and Postharvest Research has been accepted in Scopus on 9 January 2024. Click here to see Scopus CiteScore.

Journal of Horticulture and Postharvest Research aims to provide a forum for original investigations in horticulture. The journal publishes original research, short communication and review articles which cover applied and theoretical aspects in all areas of horticulture - fruit growing, vegetable growing, ornamental and medicinal plants. Papers on biotechnology, breeding, plant stress and nutrition, postharvest physiology and technology are also welcome (Journal Scope).

Original Article Pomology
Effect of volk oil and potassium nitrate on budbreak, yield and some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) nuts

Abbas Mirblouk; Azam Jafari; Mohammad Reza Vazifeshenas; Jalal Gholamnezhad

Volume 7, Issue 3 , September 2024, Pages 213-222


  Purpose: The aim of this study was to improve yield, and characteristics of pistachio nuts of three cultivars by foliar application of volk oil and potassium nitrate. Research method: The study was carried out during the bud swelling stage using a factorial design, following a randomized complete block ...  Read More

Review Article Postharvest Biology and Technology
Postharvest losses, causes and mitigation in tomato transportation: a systematic review

Emmanuel Bwade Kefas; Bashir Aliyu; Yakubu Ibrahim Tashiwa

Volume 7, Issue 3 , September 2024, Pages 223-236


  Purpose: The study aimed to provide an overview of tomato loss during road transportation with specific interest in the causes of the postharvest loss, postharvest loss mitigation measures, as well as research focus and trends over the past few decades. Findings: Transport conditions significantly affect ...  Read More

Original Article Plant Stress
Leaf temperature and peroxidase activity of bearing pistachio cultivars

Mehdi Khayyat; Mohammad Reza Vazifeshenas; Mohadeseh Akbari

Volume 7, Issue 3 , September 2024, Pages 237-248


  Purpose: Environmental stresses are a main disturbing factor influencing horticultural productivity around the world. It will affect all plants including resistant or non-resistant cultivars. So, it is important to find the better cultivars and to check the response to adverse environmental conditions. ...  Read More

Original Article Postharvest Biology and Technology
Sulphur dioxide sheet and cold storage synergy for post-harvest management of Thompson seedless grapes (Vitis vinifera)

Komal Mahajan; Mehul Chudasama

Volume 7, Issue 3 , September 2024, Pages 249-262


  Purpose: This study examined the influence of various storage conditions on Thompson seedless (Vitis vinifera) grapes quality. Research method: Grapes were stored under four conditions: control (room temperature i.e., 20-22°C, no SO2), T1 with SO2 sheets at room temperature i.e., 20-22°C, T2 ...  Read More

Original Article Plant Nutrition
Influence of an exogenous application of glycine betaine and methionine on biochemical and morphological traits of basils (Ocimum basilicum L)

Mohammad Hossein Aminifard; Abbas Jorkesh; Hamide Fatemi; Samane Mohammadi

Volume 7, Issue 3 , September 2024, Pages 263-276


  Purpose: This experiment was carried out to examine the impacts of glycine betaine (GB) and methionine (Met) on basil plants' biochemical and morphological traits in two experiments under greenhouse conditions at Guilan University, Iran. Research method: Two completely randomized plans were used for ...  Read More

Original Article Postharvest Biology and Technology
Recycling of sawdust waste as biodegradable active gelatin films against Aspergillus flavus, a field-borne pathogen in garlics (Allium sativum Linn.)

Pornanan Boonkorn

Volume 7, Issue 3 , September 2024, Pages 277-286


  Purpose: Sawdust, a by-product of wood workplaces, poses environmental contamination and reduces workspace efficiency. This research aimed at recycling sawdust from rain tree by incorporating its extracts into gelatin films to create active films with antifungal properties against Aspergillus flavus. ...  Read More

Original Article Food Science and Technology
Aloe vera gel coating maintains physicochemical parameters, extends the storage life, and preserves the qualities of Lantundan and Cavendish bananas

Nasiru Alhassan; Adowah Ndomakaah

Volume 7, Issue 3 , September 2024, Pages 287-300


  Purpose: Bananas have been experiencing increased production worldwide due to increased cultivated areas over the last three decades. However, postharvest losses of bananas are the major concern due to their highly perishable nature and therefore require appropriate treatments and storage methods to ...  Read More

Postharvest Biology and Technology
Breadnut (Artocarpus camansi Blanco): A review of postharvest physiology, quality management, processing and utilization

Majeed Mohammed; Lynda Wickham

Volume 4, Issue 2 , June 2021, , Pages 199-218


  Purpose: This paper provides an in-depth critical review and analysis of recent research undertaken to optimize quality during harvesting, postharvest handling, processing and utilization of breadnut (Artocarpus camansi Blanco). Findings: This treatise provided a comprehensive review on the significance ...  Read More

Breadnut (Artocarpus camansi Blanco): A review of postharvest physiology, quality management, processing and utilization

Plant Nutrition
Effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers, and mulching on growth and yield of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)

Saleha Farjana; Md Ashraful Islam; Tamanna Haque

Volume 2, Issue 2 , September 2019, , Pages 95-104


  Purpose: Cabbage is important fresh vegetable crop in most of the countries of the world. The experiment was conducted to evaluate the growth and yield of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L. cv. Atlas-70) as influenced by organic and inorganic fertilizers, and mulching. Research methods: The ...  Read More

Postharvest Biology and Technology
Post-harvest losses in different fresh produces and vegetables in Pakistan with particular focus on tomatoes

Nida Firdous

Volume 4, Issue 1 , March 2021, , Pages 71-86


  Purpose: International agencies have advocated that monitoring food security and world food resources are necessary to meet the needs of growing populations and to minimize postharvest losses. This paper focuses on the biochemical and physiological bases of changes that causes post-harvest losses and ...  Read More

Biotechnology and Tissue culture
In vitro propagation of Tunisian local garlic (Allium sativum L.) from shoot tip culture

Chadha Ayed; Chokri Bayoudh; Awatef Rhimi; Najla Mezghani; Faouzi Haouala; Bouthaina AL Mohandes Dridi

Volume 1, Issue 2 , September 2018, , Pages 75-86


  Purpose: Tunisian garlic is widely threatened by the attack of several viruses genus. For this purpose, a reliable protocol was established for rapid in vitro propagation of local garlic (Allium sativum L.) cultivars for large-scale production of virus-free plants and high quality bulblets. ...  Read More

Plant Growth Regulators
Effect of plant growth regulators on control of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) corm dormancy

Somaye Amini; Seyed Mahdi Ziaratnia

Volume 2, Issue 2 , September 2019, , Pages 167-176


  Purpose: Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) is a valuable medicinal plant with a short flowering period. Its flowering management can be useful for the production of saffron in a farm or controlled condition. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of plant growth regulators (PGRs) on saffron ...  Read More

Original Article Plant Nutrition
Effect of wood vinegar on vegetative growth and nutrient uptake in two citrus rootstocks

Abbas Mirsoleimani; Mahdi Najafi-Ghiri; Hamid-Reza Boostani; Hossein Heydari

Articles in Press, Corrected Proof, Available Online from 11 July 2024


  Purpose: It is believed that wood vinegar (WV) can improve soil nutrient availability and uptake, thereby improving plant growth and development. In this study we investigate the effect of WV on the availability of macro- and micro elements in the soil and the uptake, translocation and efficiency of ...  Read More

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