Original Article
Lorena Martínez-Zamora; Noelia Castillejo; Perla A. Gómez; Francisco Artés; Francisco Artés-Hernández
Purpose: Cruciferous sprouts in their early stages of development are very suitable foods against degenerative diseases due to their high content of health promoting compounds. The application of UV-B can act as an elicitor of these compounds. The objective was to study the effect of a UV-B treatment ...
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Purpose: Cruciferous sprouts in their early stages of development are very suitable foods against degenerative diseases due to their high content of health promoting compounds. The application of UV-B can act as an elicitor of these compounds. The objective was to study the effect of a UV-B treatment to different seed varieties and its remnant effects after germination as sprouts. Research method: Brassicaceae seeds selected (radish, rocket, white mustard, and tatsoi) were treated under 20 kJ m-2 UV-B 24 h before sowing, while no UV radiation was used as control (CTRL). After 7 days, sprouts were harvested, frozen, and freeze-dried until their bioactive content was analysed. Findings: Results showed that UV-B enhanced by ~20% the biosynthesis of phenolic compounds in sprouts, and hence, their total antioxidant capacity. Furthermore, this UV effect was also appreciated after 7 germination days, and it was increased by ~38% regarding CTRL, especially on rocket and mustard sprouts. In conclusion, an abiotic UV-B stress treatment to seeds can be an interesting tool to improve the bioactive compounds content of young plants, although the intrinsic mechanisms involved should be further investigated. Research limitations: The use of these new technologies, such as UV-B, is costly and must be applied following appropriate safety measures to avoid possible irradiation damage. Originality/Value: The analysis of the remnant effect of the UV-B before seeds sprouting has not been yet studied and its use could result in a beneficial effect on the germination and biosynthesis of phytochemicals in young plants.

Original Article
Plant Nutrition
Soumaya Dbara; Samia Abboud; Amani Bchir
Purpose: Nowadays with the precipitation scarcity induced by climate change, the use of non-conventional water resources in irrigation is needed such as saline water. The irrigation of salt tolerance species like olive could be adopted with potassium foliar spray. In this work we present how olive plants ...
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Purpose: Nowadays with the precipitation scarcity induced by climate change, the use of non-conventional water resources in irrigation is needed such as saline water. The irrigation of salt tolerance species like olive could be adopted with potassium foliar spray. In this work we present how olive plants modulate sodium potassium balance and metabolism to mitigate salt stress. Research method: A pot experiment was conducted to assess how potassium nitrate modify Na/K ratio and biochemical compounds in olive plants. One-year-old olive plants (cv Chemlali) irrigated with a saline water (10g/L) were subjected to three treatments: K0, K1 and K2 (0, 1 and 2% of potassium nitrate foliar spray, respectively). Findings: Results showed differences between treatments. The mineral composition particularly the sodium and potassium content of leaves and roots revealed that the K1 and K2 treatments slightly increased K/Na in leaves and decreased in roots. Moreover, the salt stress was moderate through the osmotic adjustment. The accumulation of osmolytes (proline and soluble sugars) decreased by k1 and K2 treatments. Secondry metabolites (phenols) showed an increase by K1 and K2. Lipid peroxydation was also reduced by treatments especially in young leaves and then increased. In conclusion, potassium can be recommended in order to mitigate the harmful effects of salinity. Research limitations: No limitations were founded. Originality/Value: In the condition of current water scarcity the saline water could be used with potassium application.
Original Article
Plant Breeding and Biotechnology
Orang Khademi; Javad Erfani-Moghadam; Mousa Rasouli
Purpose: Gaining knowledge about the genetic diversity is essential in terms of plant breeding and germplasm conservation. In this study, the genetic diversity of some persimmons was evaluated using pomological traits. Research method: 28 genotypes belonging to D. lotus and D. kaki species were evaluated ...
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Purpose: Gaining knowledge about the genetic diversity is essential in terms of plant breeding and germplasm conservation. In this study, the genetic diversity of some persimmons was evaluated using pomological traits. Research method: 28 genotypes belonging to D. lotus and D. kaki species were evaluated from different regions of Iran. Nineteen fruit and seed traits were recorded for 15 fruits per genotype. Findings: Pomological characteristics showed high variations among the studied genotypes. Generally, the coefficient of variation in seed traits was higher than that in fruit traits. All of the D. lotus and some D. kaki genotypes were seeded, while the rest of D. kaki genotypes were seedless. Fruit weight ranged from 4.45–251.77g, and the most fruit weight was recorded in KBM1 genotype, also the biggest seeds and the most fruit length was detected in this genotype. The results indicated that a significant and positive correlation there was between fruit weight and length with seed dimensions. Various fruit shape was detected among the genotypes, but most of them were round-shaped. The genotypes ranged from strongly-astringent to completely non-astringent types. Cluster and principle component analysis showed that all the genotypes can be divided into three main groups, and some of the groups can be divided into distinct sub-groups. In PCA, first two components explained about 60.97% of total achieved variability. Research limitations: No limitations were encountered. Originality/Value: This study indicated that Diospyros germplasm resources in Iran are of noticeable diversities and can be promising for the utilization in the breeding programs.
Original Article
Postharvest Biology and Technology
Rathnayake Mudiyanselage Nilanthi Anuruddika Wijewardane
Purpose: Lime fruit, a non-climacteric, seasonal crop, becomes unmarketable after 1-2 weeks from harvesting. Even though, lime is stored under low temperature conditions, the shelf life of which lasted about 4-6 weeks due to low rate of perishability. Research Method: The study was conducted to evaluate ...
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Purpose: Lime fruit, a non-climacteric, seasonal crop, becomes unmarketable after 1-2 weeks from harvesting. Even though, lime is stored under low temperature conditions, the shelf life of which lasted about 4-6 weeks due to low rate of perishability. Research Method: The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of coating formulation under ambient (30°C, 65% RH), cold (13±2°C and 85% RH), zero energy cooling chamber [ZECC], (16-18°C, 65% RH). Thephysiochemical attributes were evaluated in triplicate and data were analyzed using ANOVA and a probability value of p<0.05 was adopted. Finding: The storage life of citrus fruits was extended up to 15, 30, and 40 days under ambient, ZECC, and cold storage respectively by protecting physicochemical attributes such as low weight loss, TSS, titratable acidity, pH, juice yield, chlorophyll (a, b and total chlorophyll content) and surface colour with respect to L*, a* and b* values. The overall performance of different treatments demonstrated that the wax coating treatment for lime fruits under low temperature storage proved better performance compared with all other treatments. The coated fruits exhibited the retention of physicochemical characteristics significantly (P< 0.05) by lowering the fruit spoilage. Research limitations: Even though mechanical application of wax formulations was effective; it was not practiced in the experiment. Originality/Value: The wax coating treatment can be utilized on commercial scale to enhance the shelf life and to maintain the quality of lime fruits combined with low temperature storage.
Original Article
Amel Lachkar; Khawla Amari; Imed Ben Atia
Purpose: Organic apricots are perceived to be healthier than conventional ones. In Tunisia, comparative studies on the phytochemical properties of these fruits are scarce. This work aimed to identify organically grown apricot cultivar(s) with high nutritional value for human health. Phytochemical compounds ...
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Purpose: Organic apricots are perceived to be healthier than conventional ones. In Tunisia, comparative studies on the phytochemical properties of these fruits are scarce. This work aimed to identify organically grown apricot cultivar(s) with high nutritional value for human health. Phytochemical compounds of organically apricots in local (‘Oud Rhayem’, ‘Oud Hmida’ and ‘Oud Aouicha’) and introduced (‘Ninfa’ and ‘Mogador’) cultivars were investigated. Research Method: Polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins and carotenoids analysis were performed for 3 lots of 10mixed fruits each. Findings: Significant variability in phytochemical properties was obtained between the studied cultivars. ‘Mogador’ was found to be superior for most phytochemical compounds: β-carotene (0.05mg/100g fresh mass), total phenolics (≥154 mg GAE/100 g of fresh mass) and total flavonoids (27mg catechin/100 g fresh mass). Furthermore, highest phenolics content was found in ‘Oud Aouicha’ and ‘Oud Hmida’ (≥160 mg GAE/100 g fresh mass). The highest anthocyanins content was obtained in ‘Oud Aouicha’ and ‘Ninfa’ (71 and 62.5 mg cyaniding-3-glucoside /100g fresh mass, respectively). In conclusion, ‘Mogador’ could be selected as the performing apricot genotype including the most phytochemicals components. Nevertheless, ‘Ninfa’, ‘Oud Aouicha’ and ‘Oud Hmida’ showed good accumulation of many antioxidant components. Research limitations: Further researches on other genotypes are required. Originality/Value: This study is original related to the phytochemical properties of local and introduced organic apricots. The results can be considered as a preliminary database of the nutritional facts of organic apricots and they could help breeders to select genotypes with large antioxidant capacity of fruit related to the health benefits.
Original Article
Plant Stress
Ali Momenpour; Maryam Dehestani Ardakani; Mostafa Shirmardi; Jalal Gholamnezhad; Fatemeh Ahmadi; Zahra Jamaati
Purpose: Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is a very interesting fruit tree for arid and semiarid areas in any part of the world. Like other fruit trees, the selection of tolerant rootstocks and scion is a very good strategy to reduce the adverse effects of salinity on pomegranate. Therefore, this study ...
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Purpose: Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is a very interesting fruit tree for arid and semiarid areas in any part of the world. Like other fruit trees, the selection of tolerant rootstocks and scion is a very good strategy to reduce the adverse effects of salinity on pomegranate. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of salinity stress on the growth characteristics of some selected pomegranate genotypes and introduce the most tolerant genotype(s) to salinity for use as a basis in future research. Research method: Selected pomegranate genotypes were evaluated using a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design (CRD) with four replications in 2019-2020. Treatments were included 12 genotypes of Golanr-e-Shahdad (G-Shahdad), Golanr-e-Sarvestan(G-Sarvestan), Golnar-Saveh(G-Saveh), Poostsiah-e-Ardekan(Poostsiah), ‘Malas-e-Yazdi’(‘M-Yazdi’), ‘Malas-e-Saveh’(‘M-Saveh’), ‘Shishecap-e-Ferdos’ (‘Shishecap’), ‘Rabab-e-Neiriz’ (‘Rabab’), ‘Vahshi-e-Babolsar’(‘V-Babolsar’), ‘Narak-e-Lasjerd-Semnan’(‘Narak’), Chahafzal and ‘Voshik-e-Torsh-e-Saravan’(‘Voshik’) and the salinity of the irrigation water in five levels (1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 dS.m-1). Findings: According to the results, the type of genotype and the level of salinity were affected on morphological and physiological traits as well as the concentration of nutrient elements. In all genotypes, the growth indices, relative water content (RWC), chlorophyll index, and total chlorophyll reduced as a result of increasing the salinity level. But the percentage of necrotic leaves, percentage of fallen leaves, ion leakage, concentration of Na+, the concentration of Cl- and Na+/K+ ratio increased. At salinity level of 7dS.m-1, necrotic leaves (3.11% &23.98%), fallen leaves (1.05% & 5.70%), ion leakage (5.87% & 22.10%), Na+(0.31% & 1.29%), concentration of Cl-(0.13%& 1.10%), concentration of K+(0.64% & -0.07%) and Na+/K+ ratio (0.09 & 2.28 units) increased in Chahafzal and Voshik genotypes, respectively. Research limitations: No limitations to report. Originality/Value: ‘Chahafzal’ and ‘Poostsiah’ genotypes were recognized as the most tolerant to salinity according to the results. In contrast, Voshik and M-Saveh genotypes were more sensitive to salinity. The tolerant genotypes will be used in plans as rootstocks to graft the selected genotypes on them.
Original Article
Plant Breeding and Biotechnology
Zahra Abasi; Abdosattar Darabi; Emad Shahmansouri
Purpose: In the first stage to produce open pollinated and hybrid onion cultivars, identification of compatible genotypes as breeding base populations with the climatic conditions is of special importance. Thus, this research was performed to evaluate short day onion hybrids and achieve a breeding base ...
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Purpose: In the first stage to produce open pollinated and hybrid onion cultivars, identification of compatible genotypes as breeding base populations with the climatic conditions is of special importance. Thus, this research was performed to evaluate short day onion hybrids and achieve a breeding base population by identifying the best genotypes in terms of quantity and quality traits and also for studying the reaction of genotypes to the climatic conditions of Isfahan and Khuzestan. Research method: Fifteen onion genotypes were evaluated as complete block design with three replications in two locations (Isfahan and Khuzestan) under field condition during the 2017-2018 growing season. The traits evaluated included: bulb yield, average bulb weight, dry matter content, total soluble solids, and weight loss. Findings: According to the results of Isfahan location, Savannah Sweet and Saba hybrids had the highest bulb yield (42.72 t/ha and 41.05 t/ha, respectively) and Vania hybrid with high significant different (p< 0.05) was showed the lowest bulb yield (19.77 t/ha). In Khuzestan location, SV6326, Saba and Savannah Sweet for bulb yield (92.38, 89.71 and 89.14 t/ha, respectively) were recognized as super hybrids, in contrast, hybrids: Early Super Select, Behbahan improved population, Super Perfect, Sahar and Vania, were considered as weak hybrids (bulb yields<60 t/ha). In terms of quality traits, Behbahan improved population with 18.84% and 14.75% of total soluble solids as well as 19.52% and 15.77% of dry matter content in Isfahan and Khuzestan locations had significant difference from the other hybrids. Saba hybrid was identified as high bulb yield with low weight loss hybrid, Vania hybrid recognized as low bulb yield and the Savannah Sweet was identified as high yield with high weight loss in two experiments. Research limitations: Further work could be done with other commercial short day onion hybrids. Originality/Value: These genotypes can be used as parental material in the quantity and quality improvement of bulb onion. In future breeding programmes, emphasis should be given to Saba hybrid for producing high bulb yield and best quality onion variety.
Original Article
Walid Abidi; Rawaa Akrimi; Yolanda Gogorcena
Purpose: Apricot production extends from the north to the south of Tunisia with many cultivars adapted to different local microclimates. This large extension of apricot is associated with an important genetic diversity, which is threatened to erosion. This study aims to select cultivars with enhanced ...
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Purpose: Apricot production extends from the north to the south of Tunisia with many cultivars adapted to different local microclimates. This large extension of apricot is associated with an important genetic diversity, which is threatened to erosion. This study aims to select cultivars with enhanced antioxidant capacity that will benefit consumers with health-promoting properties. Research Method: This study was conducted over three growing seasons (2016-2018) in flesh fruits nine apricot cultivars (‘Amor Leuch’, ‘Bakour’, ‘Búlida’, ‘Bayoudhi’, ‘Canino’, ‘Khit eloued’, ‘Khad hlima’, ‘Sayeb’ and ‘Wardi’). The experiment was established in private apricot orchard in the region of Hajeb Laayoun- Kairouan, west central Tunisia. Findings: Results showed that the fruit firmness ranged from 20.4 N in the cultivar ‘Sayeb’ to 32.5 N in the cultivar ‘Canino’. The soluble solids content varied from 10.2 °Brix in the cv. ‘Bakour’ to 15.0 °Brix in the cultivar ‘Bayoudhi’. A wide range of variability was found among the apricot cultivars with regard to the phenolic compounds content [32.7-71.5 mg GAE/100 g FW]. The cultivar ‘Khad Hlima’ presented the highest value of relative antioxidant capacity (366.8 μg Trolox Equivalents/g FW). Our study permits to select the cv. ‘Bakour’ with the needed precocity, the cv. ‘Canino’ with high firmness, the cv. ‘Bayoudhi’ with the highest SSC and the cv. ‘Khad Hlima’ with high nutritional quality. Research limitations: No limitations were found. Originality/Value: This study represents a valuable source of genotypes to be used in apricot breeding programs.